First Visit

What can you expect the first time that you step into our top-rated dental office in Ottawa? The answer to that is – it depends. Our process for new patients is customized to their unique needs and so your experience can differ quite a bit from somebody else’s. That being said, there are a number of constants.

First, you will come in and meet with our friendly front office staff. They will give you our new patient form to complete. It is a fairly standard medical history form along with some specific questions relating to dentistry.

Once completed, you will be introduced to our hygienist. Your appointment will start with her. She will begin with a brief discussion on what to expect, your dental goals and your past experiences. From there, she will start by assessing your current state of oral health. She will be taking some measurements and an array of x-rays to use as baselines to be able to monitor future progress and help Dr. El Deeb diagnose any existing conditions.

Once the preliminary examination is complete, Dr. El Deeb will come into the room and start her thorough examination. She will use the information and x-rays that were collected as well as her own examination to assess how things are going. If you have a specific issue or goal, it is at this point that Dr. El Deeb will begin to discuss strategies to help you either alleviate your symptoms or achieve your goals.

Once the assessment portion of the appointment is complete, the hygienist will proceed with a thorough cleaning of your teeth and gums. You will notice that your first appointment will be longer than subsequent appointments. The reason for this is simple – we need to proceed with a comprehensive exam in addition to your regular cleaning in order to be able to assess your current oral health.

Once all steps in your first appointment are completed, our front office staff will discuss the next steps with you. Whether it would be scheduling your next regular visit or scheduling some time to discuss the findings from the comprehensive exam, how to proceed will be perfectly clear.

Book an Appointment

Contact Us Today for All of Your Dental Care Needs!

(613) 729-9933

Dr. El Deeb Family Dental Care - Dentist Ottawa Ontario

We are dedicated to providing high-quality dental care that looks after our patients’s oral health in the most warm, caring and respectful environment.

Office Hours

Monday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Friday: 08:00am - 5:00pm
Every 3rd Thursday of the month:
10:00am - 7:00pm

Contact Us


1335 Carling Ave #106
Ottawa, ON
K1Z 8N8

Our Location